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Story Groups

"Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story..." -Psalm 107:2

To understand yourself deeper and discover more of who God created you to be...

As we explore stories from our early life we can begin to see how our experiences have shaped who we are, and we can find healing and hope in the story God is writing.

Trauma, loss, and shame profoundly impact our capacity to experience emotional resiliency, true healing, and healthy relationships. Knowing and understanding our life’s trajectory requires intentional consideration of the core stories and dynamics guiding it. This work is vital to growing a deeper capacity for living into our true calling.

Story Groups are intended to offer a space for participants to  begin to explore the complexity of their past with compassion and curiosity. This work is based on the premise that our stories are best understood when seen and shared with each other in a supportive and encouraging environment.

If you desire to begin exploring your story with safety and encouragment, consider joining one of the upcoming Story Workshops offered through The Allender Center, or inquire with Laura about the next online Story Group forming here.